EDE437 Diversity and Equity in Health Professions Education
Explores complexities of diversity and inclusion and its transformational influence on higher education and the health professions education. Addresses issues of diversity and inclusion and how this affects the medical education pipeline. Examines medical institutions and workplaces as structures that maintain class, gender, and racial differences, and explores issues of power. Through self-reflection and the use of theories, students stretch their thinking beyond the scope of their own experiences and assumptions, and are encouraged to question, listen and think deeply as they connect their learning to theory. Exposes students to the important role that cultural competency can play in the effectiveness of healthcare services, and familiarizes them with how cultural factors influence the healthcare delivery system. Aims to increase awareness of the diversity and equity issues and challenges and help students provide better services as healthcare professionals serving diverse populations.
Credits: 3Offered: Spring
Offered Online: Spring
Modes: Online options
Prerequisites: None
Restrictions: None
EDE 437 Diversity and Equity in Health Professions Education course information is subject to change, please check the latest schedule.
Spring 2025 (1/21/2025 - 5/11/2025)EDE437-1
Open (12/25) 48%
Thursday (8:00 PM-9:30 PM)
Riham Alieldin
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